Continuous Improvement in ABET Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) Programs: A Journey to Reaccreditation

The presentation explicates the unique strategies utilized and lessons learned in the attainment of ABET Criterion 4, Continuous Improvement (CI) process in the Engineering Technology (ET) department’s ETAC of ABET accredited programs by involving the constituents. Department faculty, led by the author, successfully implemented a 3-year schedule of assessment and evaluation of Student Outcomes (SO). As part of the CI process, all SO’s were systematically assessed, evaluated, with documented reflection and CI action items recommended for implementation. Documented evidence of implemented actions demonstrate that the results of student outcome assessment and evaluations were systematically utilized as input for the program’s CI actions. As part of the CI process, review of course descriptions by involving the constituents led to the revision of the program’s degree requirements; Input from the Advisory Board resulted in enhanced Industry 4.0 content in the program benefiting the region.