Kumar Yelamarthi is currently the Associate Dean and Professor in the College of Engineering at Tennessee Tech University. In the past, he served as the Director of the School of Engineering and Technology and Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Central Michigan University (CMU). He served as the chair for the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering programs and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at CMU. His research interests are in the Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks, edge computing, embedded systems, and engineering education. He has published over 175 articles and delivered over 100 talks in these areas. He has successfully raised funding of over $5 Million for research from organizations such as NSF, DoE, NASA, and the industry.
Throughout his career, Yelamarthi has launched multiple engineering programs, including undergraduate programs, 2+2 programs with international universities and community colleges, and graduate programs in engineering. He has served as a chair, technical program committee chair, treasurer for several international conferences, and as a reviewer and panelist for numerous externally funded proposals. He served as editor for journal special issues, currently serves as the topic editor for Sensors, and is on the editorial board for the Internet of Things Journal and the International Journal of Forensic Software Engineering; he has served as the Chair of IEEE Northeast Michigan Section, and vice-chair for ASEE North Central Section. He led several engineering and engineering technology programs through successful ABET accreditation and currently serves as an ABET Program Evaluator for EAC and ETAC.