Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Double-Edged Sword

Despite the advancements that have come out of the artificial intelligence (AI) boom and subsequent generative AI race, there are a significant number of problems under the surface. With the rise of AI generators in social media and pop culture, these problems amplify as the demand for AI tools skyrockets. These solutions regularly exhibit harmful… Read more »

AI and Higher Education Around the World – Evolution and Revolution?

Join University World News on a journey around the globe, through the eyes of our expert commentators and correspondents, exploring how universities are responding to the rise of generative AI, to ethical challenges and assessment opportunities, and the AI race to lead the world of science.

Utilizing Generative AI as Learning Tools in Engineering Education

This design case study delves into freshman engineering students’ utilization of generative technologies in a software engineering course to learn C programming. The design case is a description of a real artifact or experience that has been intentionally designed. In my course, I introduced ChatGPT as a self-regulated learning tool and tasked students with understanding… Read more »

Autonomous Learning in Cybersecurity: Bridging Gaps with Generative AI

Generative AI holds the promise of helping students bridge learning gaps through autonomous learning. Students can personalize their learning experience through AI-driven real-time content creation and guided problem solving. Instant feedback on complex topics deepens comprehension and empowers learners, especially in challenging subject areas. Practical examples will demonstrate how AI can assist in crafting personalized… Read more »

The Future of Learning: Harnessing Generative AI for Enhanced Engineering Technology Education

Engineering and engineering technology education stand at the precipice of a profound transformation driven by the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI). The session aims to provide an overview of a study that explores the transformative future of Generative AI that has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and prepare for careers… Read more »

Scenarios for 2033 and the Role of the Engineering Community

Engineering Change Lab – USA (ECL), is a social change lab that seeks to be a catalyst for change within the engineering community. ECL serves as a connector and convener, complementing the work of other engineering organizations. The 2023 ECL Engineering Ideas Institute featured a deep dive into the future of engineering using scenario planning.… Read more »

Generative AI for KY Engineering Technology and How to Assess

Large-scale manufacturing has been located in Kentucky, with 4,276 manufacturers employing 289,822 workers. Community and technical colleges and universities in KY have faced challenges recruiting students to their programs in advanced manufacturing. New computer and lean systems engineering technology programs launched at the University of Kentucky, merging training and recruiting from 2-year technical colleges and… Read more »

Let’s Chat about Chat GPT: Using AI to Enhance Engineering Education

AI can be used as an ally, rather than adversary, and as a tool to empower students. This transformative session will debunk myths surrounding AI in engineering education and showcase its power as a collaborative ally. We will illustrate this with case studies showing how generative AI, when thoughtfully integrated, enhances teaching and learning experiences.… Read more »

Introducing AI Development Tools in Software Development Courses

With the advance of artificial intelligence technologies, academics must respond appropriately. A recent study showed that 90% of software developers use AI coding development tools. As students enter the workforce, familiarity with AI tools enhances their skill sets. Integrating copilot tools, generative AI and machine learning topics in an information systems curriculum enhances the program.… Read more »

Closing Plenary

University World News Editor-in-Chief Brendan O’Malley will chair a special guest panel that will delve into Dr. Panetta’s keynote presentation and offer their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. They will field questions from the chair and our international audience. Joining Brendan on the panel are Dr. Brian Charles, an AI practitioner… Read more »