Continuous Improvement Plans from Scratch

A key to a quality educational program is a clear, concise, and systematic continuous improvement plan. However, sometimes it’s not clear where to start or how to use the information once the plan is implemented. In this session, attendees will receive pointers on how to start, structure, and implement a continuous improvement plan. Learning Objectives… Read more »

AI and Higher Education Around the World – Evolution and Revolution?

Join University World News on a journey around the globe, through the eyes of our expert commentators and correspondents, exploring how universities are responding to the rise of generative AI, to ethical challenges and assessment opportunities, and the AI race to lead the world of science.

Ethical Dimensions of AI: Navigating Inclusive Transformations in Education and the Future of Work

This session will focus on the unique opportunities and ethical considerations presented by artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping education, social contacts & belonging, and the evolving landscape of future work. In alignment with ABET’s mission and the core values of Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA), the symposium seeks to explore the ethics of AI… Read more »

Discussion Den: Ask Me Anything – Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Accreditation

The Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Accreditation Ask Me Anything Discussion Den provides a platform for high-level academic discourse. This is a special invitation for key administrative and faculty such as deans of arts and sciences or directors of technology that are involved in interdisciplinary roles merging social sciences and technology, to engage in a dialectical exploration… Read more »

Programs with Online Components: Program Characteristics and Evaluation Approaches

ABET has been visiting programs available entirely online for several years. The criteria remain the same whether the program delivery is online or in-person or mixed; however visits to these programs have some unique characteristics. Currently, at least 40 institutions have more than 60 programs available fully online with ABET accreditation representing all four commissions.… Read more »

The Future of Learning: Harnessing Generative AI for Enhanced Engineering Technology Education

Engineering and engineering technology education stand at the precipice of a profound transformation driven by the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI). The session aims to provide an overview of a study that explores the transformative future of Generative AI that has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and prepare for careers… Read more »

Tips for Writing Good Self-Study Reports: Do’s and Don’ts

Executive committee members from each commission will discuss the various elements of Self-Study Reports (SSRs), important content areas, and frequently asked questions about the preparation and review processes for the SSRs. The discussion will also include recommendations for the SSR format and content from the lens of the reviewer.

Designing an Efficient Assessment Process to Meet Multiple Accreditors’ Standards

Driven by need to comply with multiple accreditors’ standards, schools often proliferate complicated inefficient assessment processes by addressing each accreditor’s requirements separately rather than developing a focused efficient measurement process that centers on core program learning objectives. This challenge arises because responsibility for disciplinary and institutional accreditations resides at different levels in the organization. It… Read more »

Accelerating the Development of Program Assessment Processes with AI

This presentation demonstrates the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in developing assessment processes for academic programs. AI offers the potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of assessment processes. Through this session, we will discuss the practical applications of AI, including analysis, real- the development of performance indicators and scoring rubrics. Additionally, we will discuss… Read more »