Providing Culmination of Knowledge Through the Senior Project and Assessment of Student Achievement

The Industrial and Systems Engineering students complete a senior project to demonstrate the application of the program knowledge obtained in their curriculum. For all projects, the students should understand complexity of the problem, have systematic structural understanding of the designed solution and apply the engineering design process to address constraints on design, economics, ergonomics and… Read more »

Scenarios for 2033 and the Role of the Engineering Community

Engineering Change Lab – USA (ECL), is a social change lab that seeks to be a catalyst for change within the engineering community. ECL serves as a connector and convener, complementing the work of other engineering organizations. The 2023 ECL Engineering Ideas Institute featured a deep dive into the future of engineering using scenario planning.… Read more »

Organizing Effective Display Materials for ABET Criterion 4: Continuous Improvement

ABET Criterion 4 focuses on continuous improvement and serves to guide educational institutions toward greater efficacy and quality. This session seeks to empower educators, administrators and evaluators to navigate Criterion 4 with a focus on developing effective display materials that support the assessment and evaluation processes and drive meaningful change. We will first explore the… Read more »

Generative AI for KY Engineering Technology and How to Assess

Large-scale manufacturing has been located in Kentucky, with 4,276 manufacturers employing 289,822 workers. Community and technical colleges and universities in KY have faced challenges recruiting students to their programs in advanced manufacturing. New computer and lean systems engineering technology programs launched at the University of Kentucky, merging training and recruiting from 2-year technical colleges and… Read more »

Maximizing the Benefits of Rubrics in Program Assessment

Many programs utilize rubrics in their assessment processes. However, not all rubrics are equally clear or useful for every purpose. This session will explore the development and use of rubrics to efficiently engage faculty, aid in selecting the best type of rubric for a given purpose and best inform meaningful improvement. Topics to be explored… Read more »

Industry Advisory Council – Artificial Intelligence Panel Session

Artificial Intelligence technology is impacting many aspects of our lives. It is already changing education, healthcare, finance, and numerous other businesses. This panel will address three key areas: 1.) What does AI mean to industry; how are different companies currently using AI and where do they plan to go next? 2.) What are industry’s needs;… Read more »

Let’s Chat about Chat GPT: Using AI to Enhance Engineering Education

AI can be used as an ally, rather than adversary, and as a tool to empower students. This transformative session will debunk myths surrounding AI in engineering education and showcase its power as a collaborative ally. We will illustrate this with case studies showing how generative AI, when thoughtfully integrated, enhances teaching and learning experiences.… Read more »

Performance Indicators for Use in Program Assessment

Performance indicators are vital educational tools for programs, both in setting course objectives and helping students understand expectations of their learning. As such, performance indicators should be developed carefully and once assessed, the results should be reviewed to determine what actions should be taken to improve student learning. With emerging interest in the importance of… Read more »

A Practical Guide to Creating a Sustainable Program Assessment Process

Developing a sustainable program assessment process is crucial for programs seeking to enhance their long-term impact and deliver quality education. This session outlines key steps for creating an effective assessment framework, including (i) the need for clearly defined student outcomes aligned with the institution’s mission; (ii) active engagement with faculty to ensure their input in… Read more »