Discussion Den: Ask Me Anything – Accreditation

In this Ask Me Anything Discussion Den about Accreditation, attendees are invited to ask any and all accreditation-related questions and our experts will answer them. ABET Senior Director of Accreditation Operations Jane Emmet and Adjunct Accreditation Director of Engineering Winston Erevelles will lead the conversation. Each Discussion Den brings ABET thought leaders together with Symposium… Read more »

Discussion Den: Ask Me Anything – International Accreditation

In this Ask Me Anything Discussion Den about International Accreditation, attendees are invited to ask any and all international accreditation-related questions and our experts will answer them. Join ABET Senior Director of Accreditation Operations Jane Emmet, Manager of International Accreditation Sherri Hersh, Director for International Engagement and Governance Daniela Iacona and International Accreditation Coordinator Anna… Read more »

We Are Interested in Seeking ABET Accreditation: Are We Ready?

Considering ABET accreditation for the first time? You can’t miss this session! You will gain a firm understanding of the foundational processes and procedures of the ABET accreditation process, what is needed to prepare for the initial accreditation of a program and where to turn for additional information. We will go over the entire process… Read more »

Getting Started with Program Assessment

Are you new to program assessment? Have you volunteered or been assigned the task of leading your program assessment efforts and you need assistance on how to move forward? In this session, the speakers share experiences related to getting started and sustaining program assessment and program continuous improvement processes. The speakers will use a continuous… Read more »

Leveraging Best Assessment Practices for Accreditation Review

ABET-accredited programs should theoretically be in compliance with ABET criteria throughout an accreditation cycle. Many aspects of compliance are continuous in any typical academic setting such that an accreditation review team could show up on our doorstep and we’d be ready! However, demonstration of compliance around the Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual, Criterion 2, Criterion… Read more »

Tips for Meeting the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) ABET Criteria

This session will discuss commonly identified shortcomings and how to avoid them when seeking ABET accreditation for an Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) program. In addition, common criteria terminology will be defined and explained to better understand requirements. The presentation will also discuss statistics on shortcoming findings.

Sharing the Program Evaluator (PEV) Perspective

This talk is designed for a prospective Program Evaluator (PEV) who is interested in having as much information as possible on what the job really entails. The presentation will cover the details of an ABET visit from the perspective of a PEV, from the initial assignment to the campus visit and return home. Topics include… Read more »

How to Prepare for Your ABET Site Visit

Preparing for your ABET site visit can be challenging. This presentation offers insight into the visit process which is one of the most important events in the accreditation cycle. The presentation focuses on what an institution can do to prepare for the visit in order to make the process as smooth as possible. Both virtual… Read more »

Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC): Common Challenges and Findings

This presentation is designed for representatives from Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) accredited programs or those interested in seeking ETAC accreditation. In either case, the session will help programs proactively prepare for future accreditation reviews. Two senior members of the ETAC leadership group provide general information related to common challenges and the high frequency of… Read more »

Using the FE Exam for Effective Outcomes Assessment

This session highlights best practices in outcomes assessment using the NCEES Subject Matter Reports to provide participants with information about the strengths and weaknesses of students in a program. The presentation will specifically focus on using the FE results as one tool in assessing the ABET student outcomes. Attend and learn more about how the… Read more »