The Impact of ABET Accreditation in the Engineering Education of Colombia

Nowadays, 54 engineering programs are accredited in Colombia by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, compared with 6 programs back in 2008, and many are in preparation for their initial review. An increasing interest in pursuing ABET accreditation has been evidenced, mainly due to recognition of the EAC criteria as a source of quality for… Read more »

Programs with Online Components: Program Characteristics and Evaluation Approaches

ABET has been visiting programs available entirely online for several years. The criteria remain the same whether the program delivery is online or in-person or mixed; however visits to these programs have some unique characteristics. Currently, at least 40 institutions have more than 60 programs available fully online with ABET accreditation representing all four commissions.… Read more »

Providing Culmination of Knowledge Through the Senior Project and Assessment of Student Achievement

The Industrial and Systems Engineering students complete a senior project to demonstrate the application of the program knowledge obtained in their curriculum. For all projects, the students should understand complexity of the problem, have systematic structural understanding of the designed solution and apply the engineering design process to address constraints on design, economics, ergonomics and… Read more »

Generative AI for KY Engineering Technology and How to Assess

Large-scale manufacturing has been located in Kentucky, with 4,276 manufacturers employing 289,822 workers. Community and technical colleges and universities in KY have faced challenges recruiting students to their programs in advanced manufacturing. New computer and lean systems engineering technology programs launched at the University of Kentucky, merging training and recruiting from 2-year technical colleges and… Read more »

Accreditation Program Under Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission’s (ANSAC) General Criteria

Many programs under the applied sciences have ANSAC approved program criteria including but not limited to: Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Surveying, Facilities Management and Construction Management, while other programs under the natural sciences and mathmatics do not have program criteria. An increasing number of these programs are being considered for accreditation by ANSAC. Learn about the… Read more »

Promoting Gender Equity and Retention in Engineering

The need for diversity in engineering is more than just about equity and fairness; it is also about recognizing the value of diverse thoughts and how they can spur creative and innovative solutions for a complex and ever-changing world. This is also the motivation for ABET student outcome 5: “an ability to function effectively on… Read more »

Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC): Common Challenges and Findings

This presentation is designed for representatives from Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) accredited programs or those interested in seeking ETAC accreditation. In either case, the session will help programs proactively prepare for future accreditation reviews. Two senior members of the ETAC leadership group provide general information related to common challenges and the high frequency of… Read more »

Using the FE Exam for Effective Outcomes Assessment

This session highlights best practices in outcomes assessment using the NCEES Subject Matter Reports to provide participants with information about the strengths and weaknesses of students in a program. The presentation will specifically focus on using the FE results as one tool in assessing the ABET student outcomes. Attend and learn more about how the… Read more »